Friday, December 15, 2006

A whole new world!

Its actually 2.35am on a Saturady morning in KL.. as opposed 2 da time stated at da bottom of dis post..

And, yes, it is my very 1st post in my very 1st blog.. Der r no pictures here yet, no fancy designs.. just a plain black background wit a little bit of grey text here & der.. just to fill up some of dis empty space here...

1st off.. im not much of a writer.. neva had a diary coz even if i did.. it'll be a real quick read:

MY LIFE STORY!!! 5 pages...

Not much of a reader either.. Took me a year to finish "the dark half" by Stephen King..
By the time i got to the ending i forget wat the story was about..

BUT now i have a blog.. yes i am a certified blogger.. If i ever called myself that 5 years ago im sure da Scotts will laugh & say "U bloody hell r, u lil blogger..!", i am determined to write.. as often as i can.. bcoz a blog is da only way for ppl out der.. JUST LIKE U.. to acknowledge MY existance right here in dis thing called da CYBER PLANET!

well actually i've got myspace but i just wanted to say dat.

..and U! yes U can now send me all ur nasty comments in da form of insults, humiliation OR resentment all u want for U r all bloggers too!

by da way, nice comments r welcome too..

...So LOOK OUT! Coz ders a new guy in da blogspot..


da new guy in town,



Unknown said...

Hey Hibat!

Succumbed to the world of bloggers? Have fun and give Suraya my regards. X

SpidEy d'lEfty said...

Hey Hibat.. welcome to the world full of mumbling and membebeling..

People said we bloggers are either too much self-expressed or too much self-indulged and too much self-admired, we bloggers answered:


Keep blogging. PEACE.

Lefty Spider