Thursday, August 21, 2008

Beaming back with kids..

Hi! Yup it has been almost 2 years and now im back with some appropriate materials to post.. Let's start with me..

Yup.. that's me driving.. Tengah boring.. Two years changed me quite a bit I should say. I never expected things to happened so quickly! In two years I managed to quit my job (September 2007) to started my own business (in talent & artist management). In between I did sales for mutual funds. But the entertainment business got the best of me so I decided to focus on managing PEOPLE instead if their MONEY. Six months after that my wife, Sue, decided to join me..

That's her right there.. Posing maut macam biasa.. and SO, being partners for life, we became co-founders for Beaming Stars! We have a little hall for an office at my parent's place. Its not a big office but we're not a big company to start with. We've just set up our website today! Should be up & running before Raya.. Will let you know..

Oh yea! I have two kids now.. Boys, Miki is 1.5 yrs & Aaron is just over 6 months. Cepat kan? 1 year difference je.. Miki's more manja with me & the younger one favours the mother. Fair la. Sorang satu.

Here are some pictures of Miki. He's the ganas one so we keep him locked up in the crib. Just kidding..

Miki's got this habit of sticking pointy parts of a cloth into his earlobes then smelling it.. Dont ask.

Meet Adik Aaron:

Alhamdulillah they are getting along pretty well.. They even go for their evening walks in Taman TAR together..

More stories on me soon!
